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Chapter History

Our Background

The Delta Theta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity was founded in Huntsville, Alabama on April 13, 1948. The chapter was founded by 13 honorable men who found a need to bring the presence of Alpha to the Huntsville community. 

The chapter spent years meeting at the homes of chapter brothers and at the Elks’ Lodge Number 977. The Brothers ultimately decided that it was time to acquire a permanent structure for the Chapter. For years, the chapter had contributed towards a building fund; however, by 1977, they had only accumulated $3000 to the fund. The Brothers discussed the possibility of purchasing an existing structure or building a new structure. Ultimately, the decision was made to build a new structure for the chapter.  Once the decision was made, Brothers stepped up and made what was once a vision a reality. In 1979, The Alpha Complex was built and stands today as a testament of what Brothers can do when they work together. 

          The members of the Chapter wanted to promote racial harmony and unity in the community, so in 1985, the Chapter hosted its first Martin Luther King Jr. Unity Breakfast and presented its first Martin Luther King Jr. Unity Breakfast awards. These awards honored outstanding members within the Huntsville/Madison County community who exemplify the beliefs and ideals of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. through the promotion of racial harmony, social freedom, justice, professional service and service to humanity.

          The Delta Theta Lambda Education Foundation of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated was established to further enhance the educational and community advocacy outreach of the organization. Under the umbrella of the foundation, the chapter held its first Project Alpha Workshop in 1985 under the direction of Brother Hugh G. Lacy. This was the first Project Alpha workshop held in the state of Alabama, and the chapter continues to sponsor the event annually. The foundation applied for, and was granted, its designation as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in 1999.  

          On January 13, 1991, the Brothers of the Delta Theta Lambda Chapter initiated the efforts to establish what is now known as the Rho Chi Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.  The Rho Chi Chapter, along with the Delta Gamma Chapter on the campus of Alabama A&M University, falls under the guidance of the Delta Theta Lambda Chapter for leadership assistance, mentorship and support.

          The Brothers of the Delta Theta Lambda Chapter have always been dedicated to improving educational excellence, health awareness, mentoring and tutoring young men and women and registering citizens to vote in the community in which we live. The Men of the Delta Theta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated continues to leave a legacy of Manly Deeds, Scholarship and Love for all Man Kind throughout the city of Huntsville and we will continue to work to encourage young men and women to embrace education and provide them with guidance as they progress from middle school to high school and onward to college.

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